Vivix Health Challenge - XanGo, Mona Vie and more

Now let's see about being natural - the only natural one other than VIVIX is the Tahitian Noni Juice; however, it has virtually NO anti aging effects where the VIVIX has all the anti aging plus many other benefits.

You'd probably expect the VIVIX to cost more, but surprisingly, it does NOT cost more. In fact, it is cheaper in many cases especially when you take into account that you only take 1 teaspoon a day of this superior supplement. WOW. I guess Shaklee is right: they do have the ONLY real anti-aging supplement on the market today.

Don't waste your money of just any supplement - make your energy or so called anti aging supplement take the VIVIX challenge. Get the most for your money because your health is worth it.

Just a note too, I am not saying that these other drinks won't help you. I am just showing you some facts that these other drinks are not on the same scientific level as the VIVIX. All the science shows that VIVIX will do what these other drinks do and more when it comes to your health and your loved one's health.

Well, for me...I like MORE when it comes to nutrition and my health especially when it is cheaper. How about YOU? ~ Master Farina
Vivix cost you RM475 retail per bottle and last for 1-2 months. Just 1 teaspoon a day you can live longer and healthier! Be a member and you save MORE!! Contact me for details.
1. Online purchassse at Shaklee website (make sure you have Debit Card/ Credit Card)
2. Or if you dont have debit card/credit card, you can order from me. Make payment to account below:
- MAYBANK - 1581 7289 5432 /
- CIMB - 7030358405
- (mariatun qibtiah bt Mohammad Jasni;
- email: mariah_smile@yahoo.com)
After that, send email or SMS/Whatsapp 017-3065200 or FB mariah smile or Page FB MariahSmileStore, attach the payment detail, the product you want, your name, address and phone number for delivery.
Products will arrive at your address within 1-3 working days.
>>> Be a member and you save MORE!! Promise. Contact me for details.
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