Contraction (lebih sedap panggil surge ^^) setiap ibu adalah berlainan. Jika mahukan natural birthing, deep breathing and relaxation adalah amat perlu dan WAJIB diamalkan sebelum bersalin. Teknik pernafasan amat2 membantu semasa surge. Kalau kita bertenang inshaAllah baby akan dpt cukup oksigen.
breath and ride the surge. Tak perlu tgk jam atau asyik timing, nanti tension.
Breathe , breathe and BREATHE!... deep and hard, mouth partially closed n smile :) DONT FIGHT THE PAIN nanti lg susah jln nk bukak. Kendurkan otot2 bahu dan rahang/ muka. jgn genggam tgn atau ketap gigi menahan sakit. Bila bdn kita loose and relax baru jln akan membuka, dan surge akan jadi lbh efektif dlm membuka jln.
Relax mouth and jaw = open cervix. sbb mulut atas dan bawah berkait rapat. Surge breathing membuatkan kita rasa khayal, tak berasa sangat sakitnya seperti kita berada di alam lain. That's the endorphins working Beta endorphins are dubbed the 'feel good' hormone - anything that makes us feel good ---> relaxation , laughter , sex , exercise , dark chocolate ! and many more - when we are relaxed and calm we release these hormones that are said to be 200 x more powerful than morphine -- in fact endorphin is a mixture of two words = 'endogenous' which means naturally occurring in our body ; and morphine.
Antara teknik pernafasan yang dikongsikan:
Cara 1: dikongsikan oleh kak Khadeejah Hasmad.
Amalkan surge breathing sekerap yg mungkin. Kalau nak mudah, practice masa bangun tidur dan selepas bangun tidur.
1. ambil nafas sampai kiraan sekurang- kurangnya 30
2. praktis ambil nafas kiraan 30, pada selang 5 saat
3. praktis ambil nafas kiraan 30, pada selang 5 saat, selama at least 1 jam
Bila start kiraan, saye visualise saye naik hot air balloon. Yg belon panas tu. Untuk sampai ke puncak langit, saye bayangkan saye kene lalu beberapa pit stop.
saye set kan ada 5 pit stop. Sambil ambil nafas, saya bayangkan, dan buat script dalam kepala:
"Ok, dah sampai pit stop #1, ok # 2. Ok sikit je lagi, dah sampai #3, naik sikit lagi. Ok dah #4. Ok sikit aje lagi tak jauh dah. Yeay, alhamdulillah dah sampai #5!! Jom2 makan minum jom, ni semua sedap ni "
Tapi yang tu dapat sampai kiraan 20 je. so untuk panjangkan lagi masa saya boleh ambil nafas,saye tambah visualisation
Saye bayangkan dan baca dalam hati birth affirmation yg dalam youtube video tu. Sambil bayang gambar2 yg cantik2 tu. Sambil ayat 'time is irrelevant in birthing' berkumandang kat telinga. ayat ni selalu diulang2 oleh member group HUBM, jadi dah melekat dlm kepala. youtube video yg sy guna kali ni:
tp ni cara saya. cara org lain mungkin berbeza. bila sy buat sambil bygkan video dan imagine lagu (sy tak pasang background lagu masa ambil nafas sbb saye jenis kena senyap utk focus)-- sy perasan, tubuh saya mula bergoyang2 nak buat ala2 tarian gelek dan bila sy follow cue tubuh saya.., saya boleh ambil nafas dgn lebih panjang. subhanallah.. cari cara yg serasi, dan kemudian just follow your body
lagi satu paling penting, dont think too much of counting & mechanism. So, mase saye praktis kali ni, saye tak kira. TAPI minta tolong hubby kira. saye cubit hubby sebagai tanda start. nanti dh nak stop sign nya adalah cubit skali lagi.
ok, saye cubit hubby sikit. then, saye start imagine. ni imagination sy. works for me, tak sure utk org lain. mase saye imagine, saye tak kira langsung i was in my own fantasy world. sy bayangkan saye naik hot air balloon, langit yg cantik. dan kat pit stop #1, ada kawan tgh tunggu. diorang lambai kat sy. then sy imagine, tanpa kira, ok, dah pit stop #1. dan sama juga utk pit stop nombor lain. sy tak kira langsung. sy dlm alam lain bila singgah kat pit stop, sy imagine tgh happy2, makan2 sikit, then go on to other pit stop. saya buat imagination sendiri utk keep myself going. perkataan yg berguna utk sy 'sikit je lagi'. kawan kat pit stop #1 akan ckp, 'sikit je lagi nak sampai #2' that works for me, but i believe, lain org, berbeza.
masa imagine singgah kat pit stop, sy x pause ambil nafas, i just keep on breathing in. when you breathe in, you fill your tummy with air. So to know if you are doing right, see if your tummy is getting bigger or not when you breathe in. boleh refer video ini:
For practicing surge breathing: (personally i need lots of practice)
1. find a PARTNER. let the partner do the counting. please dont count by yourselves. for me, i want to sink in my own world. if i do the counting while breathing in, i cant go further...
later, when the real surge come, you will be intuitive to just follow the surges' cue. but for practice, i would really need a partner
2. practice in RELAX environment. for me, its best to practice before we go to sleep. for me, I would focus best in quiet environment, without any need to cook lunch, do laundry, etc. but its fine if my toddler make a little noise.
because for labor itself, i personally need privacy and relaxing environment, at least from what i experienced from my first childbirth. stress/ hassle/ urgency make no good to me during labor
during practice, i close my eyes, pinch my hubby so that he's aware to start counting, then breath in & start visualising- just relax and fly in my own world
some people, they would need slow background music, or adang2 perlukan org lain utk assist in visualisation, i.e, instruct loudly the script "ok, sekarang awk dah naik, now, imagine...." but i am the type who need to stay quiet, and visualise, and just sink in my imagination
3. I make sure before I practice, I WATCH/LISTEN to the positive birth affirmation youtube video, at least 3 times. so that all the sound and words are blended into my subconcsious mind. so that, when i start to practice, thats all that come into my mind.
10-20-30 is mental counting. not minutes
it is normal if at first practice, you got 10 or below counts. keep on practicing
Cara 2: Hypnobirth breathing dikongsikan oleh
1- the relaxation breathing. This is used, well, as the name recommends, to relax. Aside from when contraction hits, or delivering the baby, this type of breathing is to be used at all times.And best of all, this can be used well after labor. In your everyday life, when you are tensed, feel that temper raising, horrible bowel movement while waiting for your loo turn (heheheheh), use this technique
Technique : breathe in through the nose while quietly counting from one to seven (macam kira satu saat, dua saat tiga saat), then breathe out through the nose again, while quietly counting from one to seven. the key here is to focus on the counting. This helps distract you from the pain.
2- while having contraction. Once you feel a contraction coming,use this breathing. It's a very slow breathing, and requires practise. It is best to practise 4 weeks before your EDD.
Technique : breathe in through your nose, while quietly counting from one to eight, the VERY, VERY SLOWLY release (breathe out) while quietly counting from one to TWENTY. When I first started, by the fourteen count dah habis dah breathe out semua udara. hahaha that's why one must practise this technique earlier. But, do not cheat and hold your breath semata2 nak sampaikan kiraan 20 tu. you must slowly release the air. This technique makes your body totally relax n lembut, so you will not clench or keraskan your body when contraction comes. Bila badan keras contraction becomes even more painful. So dont grab that bed railing (or your husband's arm ahahha), instead lembutkan badan and relax, slowly breathe sampai contraction passed.
Birth partner/husband's role : husband's can play their part in this technique. Discuss with your husband what signal to use to show you're having contraction. Cuit tgn ke, tepuk tilam he will know what you are experiencing at the moment. try not to talk, because this takes your energy and distract your concentration. Husbands can then help by counting 1-8, then 1-20, to help you to stay focus and back on track. Having assistance like this help prevent you from 'losing it'
Cara 3: Do deep breathing - tarik nafas dalam2, see your tummy menaik, bygkan u hantar oksigen tu kpd baby and then hembuskan perlahan2 keluar dr bibir yg sedikit terbuka. Sambil tu tenangkn fikiran, bygkan yg indah2 when u will finally meet ur baby.
Cara 4: Info dari kelas yoga utk antenatal; amik nafas dalam kiraan 3-4 dan lepaskan dalam kiraan lima (atau lebih) masa surge tu lepaskan nafas perlahan2
Cara 5: bila kita tarik nafas lbh pendek drpd kita hembus nafas..pastikan hembus nafas tu lebih pjg..kiranya masa tarik nafas tu guna perkataan 're'..dan apabila hembuskan nafas guna perkataan 'lakksssss'
Cara 6: ambil nafas melalui hidung, keluarkan HAH melalui mulut perlahan2.
Sebagai ganti amalan push atau meneran baby keluar. Manfaatnya supaya tak berlaku koyakan pada perinium. Tak koyak maka tak perlu jahit. Kalau koyak pun sikit je dan cepat baik. Berbanding episotomy yang sah2 perlu dijahit.. kan?
Cara 1: Breath in kejap, then breath out reaaallllly hard! Bukan teran ya. Let loose your jaw, let your body loose. Even tangan pun tak boleh genggam. Kalau kita dok ketap bibir, genggam tangan, nanti muscle yang bekerja untuk keluarkan baby pun akan jd keras dan proses baby lahir akan jd lambat.
Cara 2: J Breathing. Work with your body. cari tempat yg selesa dan praktis.
Take a nice deep breath melalui hidung dan lepaskan panjang dan perlahan-lahan yg boleh melalui mulut. bayangkan nafas dan baby keluar ke bawah dan ke atas seperti huruf J. Juga bayangkan vagina seperti kelopak bunga yang indah terbuka perlahan-lahan, dan baby keluar melalui tengah kelopak bunga tersebut. Pastikan rahang mulut dan bahu dlm keadaan relax.
Cara 3: In hypnobirth, you are recommended to breathe out the baby, and not use your might to push out. But, best follow your doctor since I am not a liscenced hypnobirth trainer. Still, I shall share the method anyway.
Technique : breathe in while quietly (dalam hati) counting from one to seven. Then breathe out quickly as if you are breathing the baby out. This also requires practise, and best part is, the only almost real situation when you can practise is when pooping. hehehhe infact, when you are done delivering the baby, this technique can still be used everytime you poop! hahahah! When you are on the toilet seat feeling an urge to pass motion, breathe in counts of eight, then breathe down! this way, your body is relaxed and not stiff/clenched, so passing is easier.
Good luck!